3 Fun Facts for National Tortilla Chip Day


Break out the guac and salsa! Today we salute the crunchy, salty tortilla corn chip. Dip to your heart’s content or make some gooey, cheesy, nachos. Frito-Lay is the number one tortilla chip brand in America, with sales of more than four billion dollars last year, including Doritos.


-Doritos were invented in Disneyland back in the mid-1960s. Frito-Lay operated a restaurant there called Casa de Fritos. A salesman noticed stale tortillas were being thrown out, so he suggested frying them. A hit was born! Frito-Lay started selling the chips nationally in 1966.

-There have been more than one hundred Doritos flavors. In addition to the popular Cool Ranch and Spicy Nacho flavors, they also tried some wackier flavors like Mountain Dew, Winter Crab Pizza, Coconut Curry, and Cheeseburger-flavored chips.

-Arch West, the Frito-Lay marketing executive credited with the introduction of Doritos, died in 2011. His family sprinkled Doritos on his urn before burial. Wow, that’s a family that loved their Doritos!