We invite the public to come in and discuss upcoming events or topics that are affecting our community.
Cake Sale to Benefit Arkansas Children's Hospital
Big Events to Help Veterans in Our Area
Region Closets is Ready to Help You
TAPD Recruitment & Polar Plunge
Donate to Help Arkansas High Cheerleaders
Polar Plunge To Benefit Special Olympics Arkansas
Ranchers' Table Roundup Saturday November 23
Free Overdose Awareness and Prevention Event
Meet the Authors of Heaven is For Real
UAHT Spring Registration & More
15th Annual Gathering of Authors Saturday Nov. 9th
Vendors and Shoppers Welcome at Big Dam Waterpark
11th Annual Turkey Trot on Thanksgiving Morning
Bark at The Park Saturday November 2
Meet Dr. Lloyd Jackson Superintendent TASD
Trick or Treat Safety Tips
Four States Auto Museum Show
Kids Helping Kids Bake Sale
Food Truck Festival & Hot Air Balloons
Shop With a Cop Bowl-a-Thon
John and Friends
Every morning we bring friends and guests into the studio and spotlight what is going on in our community. The topics are vast but very local to our four states area. The best part of the podcasts includes what happens when we are "off-mic," which is always entertaining.