Answering COVAD-19 Questions


Courtesy Pixabay

If you saw the news within the last 24 hours, the State of California has confirmed that there is one new case of the COVAD-19 coronavirus that is not tied to any travel.

According to this person is from Sonoma County (near San Fransisco), and is being treated in Sacremento. This is important, because this case could well be the first one associated with community spread.

Other news reports state that China is now reporting less cases of COVAD-19. And this morning, NBC News reported that the Dow Jones Industrial Average is down for the sixth straight day, due to investor fears that the coronavirus might spread to the United States.

Well. What does this mean for us here in the Ark-La-Tex? We still don’t know much about the situation. Mostly, we are spit-balling. There are many more questions than there are answers. I am NOT trained medical personnel. I DO search and read articles. I DO reach out to those who have more information than I do.

If you have a particular question about the COVAD-19 coronavirus, how to protect yourself and your family, here are some numbers you can call. These are Epidemiologists answering your calls.

Texas Hotline: 1 877 570 9779 Open Monday through Friday, 7:00 AM–6:00 PM

Arkansas: 1 800 803 7847 (no hours given)

Louisiana:  1 855 523 2652 Open Monday through Friday, 8:00 AM–4:30 PM.

Oklahoma:  (405) 271-4060. ( Open 24/7)

We hope that this information will give you some peace of mind.

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