It’s Never to Late To Make A Resolution

Did you make a New Years Resolution this year? Everyone does right?  To lose weight. To save more money. To do something you “NEED” to do…like downloading our new radio App. (Do It NOW!)

Courtesy Pixabay

1. Diet or eat healthier (71 percent)
Download our APP… cuz we sure will feel better

2. Exercise more (65 percent)
Download our APP…sweat less

3. Lose weight (54 percent)
Download our APP…eat more with less calories

4. Save more and spend less (32 percent)
Download our APP…become a billionare

5. Learn a new skill or hobby (26 percent)
Download our APP…become an expert on everything

6. Quit smoking (21 percent)
Download our APP...never have to inhale

Courtesy Pexels

7. Read more (17 percent)
Download our APP...especially books with pretty pictures

8. Find another job (16 percent)
Download our APP…where you never have to work

9. Drink less alcohol (15 percent)
Download our APP…especially when you drive

10. Spend more time with family and friends (13 percent)
Download our APP…so your family and friends will like you more

Why do we keep making New Year’s Resolutions? Is it just expected? A tradition? Why do we keep making them? Let me know your thoughts on this.

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