Don’t Miss The Super Flower Blood Moon Eclipse


Courtesy Pixabay

HEADS UP TONIGHT! 🌖✨ Get ready for the largest Supermoon of the year.  The eclipse occurs in the morning or evening of Wednesday, May 26, depending on our global positioning. There will be a full lunar eclipse Wednesday morning and it will be visible from North Texas, weather permitting.

The moon will be a full supermoon that will be eclipsed by the Earth’s shadow. The lunar eclipses, totality is known to last upwards of 100 minutes, or as few as seconds.

There are the times to see the different phases of the eclipse:

Partial umbral eclipse begins at 4:45 am CDT

Total eclipse begins at 6:11 am CDT

Greatest eclipse is at 6:19 am CDT

Total eclipse ends at 6:26 am CDT

Partial umbral eclipse ends at 7:52 am CDT

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