Four States Auto Museum Show

The Four States Auto Museum Auto & Motorcycle Show is this Friday and Saturday, October 25th & 26th in Texarkana. It will be in the parking lots surrounding the Museum. The museum is located at 217 Laurel Street in Downtown Texarkana Arkansas.

Jim Christian with the Museum joins the Morning Show to talk about the show and all the fun that's surrounding the event. 8am to 4pm both Friday and Saturday, with the awards presentation at 3pm on Saturday. This is a free event for everyone who wants to come check out and vote on the cars, trucks, and motorcycles, plus there will be live music, raffles, prizes, food trucks, and fun for the entire family.

If you want to register a car, truck, or motorcycle for the show there is still time, Go to and type in Texarkana, it's $50 if you want to enter your vehicle, but once again free to come see the show.

Big draw this year is the fact that Comedian, Former Tonight Show host, and car and motorcycle enthusiast Jay Leno is the Grand Marshall of the show and will be there at various times both Friday afternoon and throughout the day on Saturday and will be there for the awards presentation at 3pm on Saturday. Leno is also performing to raise money for the Perot Theatre renovations Saturday night at the Perot. Go the Perot Theatre Box Office or online for tickets to that show.