Make Thanksgiving Special By Helping Randy Sam’s Outreach Shelter

Looking for ways to make a difference this Thanksgiving? Randy Sams Outreach Shelter urgently needs your help to provide food, paper products, cold weather clothing, and financial donations to the area’s less fortunate and homeless. Donating to their Thanksgiving luncheon can make a real difference in someone’s life. Please reach out to Lori, our Kitchen Manager at 903-792-7024 if you can contribute any food items. Monetary donations can be mailed to 803 Spruce St, Texarkana, TX, or donated online at

You can also donate non-perishable food, paper, and clothing items to the shelter located at 402 Oak St. downtown 24/7.  Items needed are turkeys, hams, canned goods, and paper products such as napkins and plates. Also, we are in dire need of clothing items such as coats, scarves, hats, shoes, gloves, socks, and new underwear for 70% of men. With your help, we can make this Thanksgiving special for every