Fishing is Good This Week | Lake Wright Patman


The National Professional Fishing League’s Tournament is in Texarkana this weekend.   This fantastic group has dedicated themselves to sharing their love for this sport.   Later this week, organizations like Runnin JW Ranch, Opportunities Inc, and some area high school students will enjoy presentations and some tips from the pros themselves.  Enjoy a concert on Friday night at the Texarkana Convention Center.

The National Professional Fishing League is currently in town and on their second day of practice at Lake Wright Patman. They will practice today and tomorrow, have a philanthropic day on Wednesday, then tournament fish on Thursday, Friday, Saturday. We’ll have a concert Friday night at the Texarkana Texas Convention Center. Weigh Ins will be Thursday, Friday, and Saturday beginning around 3:30 PM. Please see below for a detailed schedule!

WEDNESDAY, APRIL 21 (Philanthropic Day)

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