How to Wash Your Hands the Right Way {VIDEO}


Courtesy Pixabay

Doesn’t that sound almost silly? ‘How to Wash Your Hands the Right Way’. With colds, bronchitis, flu Types A and B, and now confirmed cases of the COVID-19 coronavirus in Houston and Fort Bend, Texas, it won’t hurt us any to have a quick crash/refresher course in this simple hygiene.

The Center for Disease Control and NBC News Lifestyle  want us to know this:

      1.  Wet your hands all of the way to the wrist and apply water, any temperature. Turn off the water and apply a good amount of soap.
      2. Lather up by rubbing your hands together. Lather up to your wrists, between your fingers and under your nails, too.
      3. Scrub your hands, as you sing ‘Happy Birthday’ or even the ABC Song, twice. That’s about twenty seconds, timing-wise.
      4. Rinse under clean, running water.
      5. Dry your hands with a clean paper towel, under a hand dryer, or air-dry, if nothing else. (Ladies, we can remove those pretty, decorative towels from the guest bathroom for now.)
      6. We might as well enjoy washing our hands as much as the Wiggles do. Remember them?

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