Is Spiderman Dead?

I don’t know if you have heard…but it appears that our Friendly Neighborhood Spiderman may be in big trouble. Sony owns the rights to “Spiderman” and has been sharing custody with Disney who has acquired Marvel.  Now like feuding parents heading for a divorce Disney Marvel and Sony now cannot agree on what to do with the Spiderman movie franchise.

Courtesy of Pixabay

I don’t know about you but I think the Spiderman movies have been one of the Better Super-Hero genres.

Courtesy of Pixabay

Now because of Sony does not want to split profits 50/50 with Disney Marvel Spiderman has been given the BOOT. At least the boot from the MCU…aka Marvel Cinematic Universe. So no Spiderman in any future Avenger’s movies. So who do you blame?  Or do you care that Spidey will be missing from future Avengers movies?  Let me know how you feel about Spiderman getting the boot from the Disney Marvel Universe.

Courtesy of Pixabay

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