Latest Covid-19 Numbers as of September 28


Courtesy Pixabay

Here are the latest Covid-19 numbers in the Texarkana area.

The numbers for Miller County from the state of Arkansas shows 49 current active cases being tracked, with 10 deaths attributed to the Coronavirus.

Here is the new information from the Joint Operations Center in Texarkana, Texas:

Bowie County Emergency Operations Center reports 46 new cases since Thursday September 28, 2020 for a total of 1,296 positive COVID-19 cases, with 71 deaths. The Department of State Health Services is reporting 892 recoveries.

Cass County has 30 new cases since Thursday for a total 370 cases with 284 recovered and 15 deaths.  Cass County currently has 71 active cases.

Confirmed COVID-19 Cases in Bowie County 9/28/2020
Total Cases in Bowie County 1296
Ages (Bowie County Cases)
0-18 155
19-29 204
30-39 159
40-49 183
50-59 174
60-69 168
70-79 135
80+ 118
Gender (Bowie County Cases)
Male 566
Female 730
Deaths  71

The latest local information and updates can all be found at The local hotline telephone number is (903) 255-5560.

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