LifeNet COVID-19 Safety Protocals and More

Today we had a really informative conversation with Tina Bell from LifeNet, Inc. The highly skilled professionals at LifeNet strive to ensure the health and safety of their patients. With this in mind, please note that LifeNet professionals do not provide COVID-19 testing or vaccinations. Text Tina at 903-556-0301 if you’d like to join the LifeNet team. Please do not go to area ERs or call 911 for an ambulance unless you’re being seeing for a true medical emergency. Alternatives include going by private vehicles to urgent care centers, family care practices, or utilizing telemedicine.

As COVID cases continue to tax the healthcare systems across our service areas, you can help in the following ways:
1. Wear a mask anytime you enter a public building or in the proximity of others where social distancing isn’t possible.
2. Consider getting the COVID vaccine if you haven’t already.
3. Please do not go to area ERs or call 911 for an ambulance unless you’re being seeing for a true medical emergency. Alternatives include going by private vehicles to urgent care centers, family care practices, or utilizing telemedicine.
Thank you for helping us reduce the strain on the healthcare system and prevent the spread of COVID.