Make the Holiday Time a Safe One


Courtesy Pixabay

This time of year is a joyous time for most everyone.

Area law enforcement won’t you to keep it that way. Police, Sheriffs Deputies, DPS, and State Police all urge you to follow the law this Holiday Season.

There are things you can do to make the roadways safer for everyone. Absolutely don’t drink and drive, there will be extra patrols to watch for people driving DUI. You don’t want to spend the holidays for any other time behind bars because you drove drunk.

Authorities also remind you to drive the speed limit, drive friendly, and do not drive distracted. This means no texting and driving, and preferably stay off your cell phone while behind the wheel.

Another safety tip is to not drive if you are overly tired or feel sleepy. It can be just as dangerous as driving under the influence.

If you are heading to a holiday party and plan on drinking alcohol, have a designated driver, call a cab, or other driving service, or stay put.

We want you to have a happy and safe holiday and New Year!!