Miller County Covid-19 Cases Stand at Eighteen


Courtesy Pixabay

The number of cases of Coronavirus in Miller County is slowly inching up.

Here is the latest Press Release from the Miller County Emergency Operations Center:

*Confirmed Cases of COVID-19 in Miller County: 18*

Reminder! Per Arkansas Governor Emergency Order 20-13; all barbers, tattoo establishments, hair and Nail salons are to remain closed.

Thank you, Mayo Furniture, for the donation of protective masks provided to all our first responders in Miller County and surrounding areas.

Thank you for working hard to keep our first responders safe!  Need a mask? CDC has excellent information
on making your own cloth mask. Use a cloth face covering in public to reduce the spread of COVID-19.

Your cloth face covering should:
✔️Reach above the nose, below the chin, and completely cover the mouth and nostrils
✔️Fit snugly against the sides of the face
✔️Be made of multiple layers of fabric that you can
still breathe through
✔️Be able to be laundered and machine dried without damaging the material or shape

Do not buy surgical masks to use as a face covering.

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