Texarkana – TISD threat update.


Staff photo

Here is the latest update regarding gun threats at Texarkana Texas Middle school.

There are no gun threats at Texas Middle School. Two incidents have occurred during the past 24 hours – a group of boys went into the Boys Restroom and retrieved a yoyo and a hatchett from a metal box. One of the young men put the hatchett in his backpack with the handle showing, took a picture and placed the photo on social media. Those young men have been disciplined yesterday.

This morning on Bus 686, a young man got agitated because the bus driver turned on the light to see the students. He made vague threats to the bus driver within earshot of other students on the bus. He was met by police upon arrival at school and this situation has been handled.

Please rest assured that your child’s safety is our top concern and that we are on top of all issues which should be addressed. Thank you.

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