The Importance of Clean Underwear

My mom told me many things when I was young. One of the Most Important things she told me was to always be sure to be wearing clean underwear when I left the house. Why? She said I should wear clean underwear “in case I was in an accident”.

Courtesy of Pixabay

Am I the only one who was told this bit of advice? As a child it sounded reasonable. But as an adult I wonder if I was in an accident if my underwear would stay clean long? I guess it could…maybe. But I find it hard to think that emergency personnel would be overly concerned or impressed with how clean my undies appeared after an accident.

Courtesy of Pixabay

I loved my mom.  I’m sure her heart was in the right place.  I’m just not too sure that in retrospect that clean underwear is the most important thing to worry about when leaving the house.  What about you?  Did your mom tell you this too?  And maybe it’s too personal, but have you ever been in an accident and your underwear remained clean and fresh?

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