Today Is National Drink Wine Day


Courtesy Pixabay

I can’t imagine a nicer day for us to celebrate! February 18th is National Drink Wine Day. Why not?

Did you know that back in the Dark Ages, that wine was drunk, more than water? That’s because many times, water was unsafe to drink, so wine was consumed instead, by all ages, at almost every meal. For my Italian Friends (and you know who you are), this is still considered normal.  One Italian friend asked me once, ‘What do you call a meal without wine? Breakfast.”

Wine has been a popular drink for over 6,000 years. Grapes and other fruit will naturally ferment, producing alcohol. So when our ancestors noticed tipsy squirrels, hogs, and horses eating drunky fruit, they gave it a go, as well. Wine was used in Ancient Egypt for certain ceremonies. The Greeks and Romans worshiped Dionysus or Bacchus as the gods of wine. Jews and Christians alike used wine in their rituals. After all, didn’t Jesus turn the water into wine at a wedding?

Oh, and wine can actually be good for your health. According to National Today,  when consumed in moderation, wine can reduce the risk of type II diabetes, heart attack, strike, certain kinds of cancers, and liver disease. It can also lower the bad cholesterol (LDL) and boost the good cholesterol (HDL). So, there’s another good excuse to sip wine today, or any day.

Now, saying all of this, I do remember one time when my nephew Wayne and I decided to sip quite a bit of celebratory wine during a family Christmas. We had a good time, but were rendered somewhat unwell the next day. Wayne has sworn off vino ever since. My lesson never took.

Happy Birthday to Wayne Thrash. In Vino, Veritas.

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