Top 5 Reasons to Skip Raking Leaves This Fall


Courtesy of Pixabay

Love Fall, but hate raking leaves? No worries. We have 5 solid reasons to never rake again!

1. Wild Life Habitat. Many wildlife species live in or rely on the leaf layer for shelter and food, including, salamanders, chipmunks, box turtles, toads, earthworms, many other insects species. (Raking bad. Nature good. #TurtlesAndToads)

2. Free fertilizer and mulch. For gardeners, fallen leaves offer a double benefit. They form a natural mulch that helps suppress weeds and, as they decompose, they add nutrients to the soil. Why spend money on mulch and fertilizer when the trees will do it for you? (So I save money AND I don’t have to rake? #Winning)

3. Birds and the Butterflies. Along with the leaves, you’re throwing away butterfly and moth pupae attached to them. Not only will you not have any beautiful butterflies in your yard come spring, but you also won’t have many birds, who rely on caterpillars to feed their babies. (So, once again, nature. #LoveTheButterflies)

4. Reduce waste and pollution. Yard trimmings account for approximately 33 million tons of waste in landfills. And gas leaf blowers and the trucks used to haul them away cause pollution and use fossil fuels. (Saving money, by skipping a chore? #Score)

And last but certainly not least.

5. Save time and your back. You already have enough to do, why add another counterproductive and backbreaking chore to your schedule? (Less back pain? I’m in!)

And let’s not forget about the air pollution caused by burning leaves. Leaf smoke can make breathing difficult for people who suffer from asthma, emphysema, chronic bronchitis, or allergies.

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