Proposed Improvements to FM 989


Courtesy TxDOT

We had Marcus Sandifer in the the studio today discussing upcoming improvements to Farm to Market Road 989(New Boston Road) into Nash.
If you would like complete details contact TxDOT directly, click here.

The Texas Department of Transportation (TXDOT) hosted an open house public meeting on Thursday, July 18, to present alternatives for proposed improvements to US 82 (New Boston Road) and Farm to Market Road 989 (Kings Highway) in Nash. The meeting was held at the Nash Elementary School at 100 East Burton Street in Nash, Texas

The proposed improvements include:

Widening US 82 from 0.7 mile west of FM 989 to 0.2 mile west of I-369 to include four travel lanes, a center left-turn lane, bike lanes and sidewalks.
Widening FM 989 from the I-30 south frontage road to US 82 to include four travel lanes, a center left-turn lane, bike lanes and sidewalks.
Realigning the intersection of US 82 and FM 989 to match traffic lanes.

The proposed project will improve safety and enhance mobility. Additional right of way will be required to construct the project and employees from the right of way section will be available to answer any questions about the process of acquiring the properties.

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