What Cereals You Eat Linked To Your Relationships


What does your cereal say about you? A marriage counselor has gone viral for his thoughts on how your favorite cereal reveals how you act in a relationship. He claims fans of Trix cereal tend to be “chaotic” – hard to handle and unpredictable. Love Cinnamon Toast Crunch? It shows you have refined taste and like to be shown off like a trophy. On the other hand, if you’re a fan of Lucky Charms, the therapist says you ignore red flags, and you’re really superstitious about the future of your relationship. So, um, pass the milk while we mull this over.


What your favorite childhood cereal says about what it’s like to date you. #therapy #mentalhealth #mentalhealthmatters #therapist #relationshipgoals #therapytok #relationshiptips #dating #datingadvice #love #datingtips #funny #cereal #greenscreen

♬ original sound – TherapyJeff