When You Least Expect It


Sometimes, a good thought or an ‘uplift’, as I call it, comes to me in the moments I least expect it.

Such as it was,  just the other day. I was coming into work, when I passed this sign, out by the side of the road:

Courtesy Fabienne Thrash

I saw this and began mulling on it (some say I ‘ruminate’, like a cow). Who of us hasn’t made a mistake? After all, there was only one perfect person on earth. So I began thinking about forgiveness. We are told to forgive those who have hurt us, wronged us, in some way. And then, I remembered the key to forgiveness: forgive yourself first…then move on to forgiving others.

What a wonderful feeling. I literally let go of some things bothering me, that I had been ‘ruminating’ upon, for years. Much too long. And all of this began, from seeing this simple roadside sign.

You see, I am aware of a movement that has come to our area. I don’t know the name of the group, but people go to our local schools, and stand at the driveways, or close to the school, holding up signs like this so that our students, parents, and caregivers can see. They say things like “You Are Enough”. “You Are Loved”. “Have a Great Day”. And others. Hopefully, these people are keeping this going, because you never know who will notice and be touched by the message. Now, if this helps one kid have better self-esteem, helps someone do well on a test, or even keeps a child from hurting themselves? I am ALL for it.

So. Back to the sign. I rolled up into the driveway of the home with this out front. As I was about to get our of my car to take the photo, here came a big dog. He was not happy to see me, even though I appreciate that he was doing his job, by protecting his territory. I took the picture from the safety of my car. Then I remembered that I had seen something on the other side of the sign! I wanted that shot, as well. What to do?

Fortunately, there was a truck that came down the road behind the property. Big Dog went to bark at that. That’s when I hopped out and took this picture:

Courtesy Fabienne Thrash

What a wonderful reminder! ‘Don’t Give Up’. Now, whatever you have been contemplating on giving up? Just don’t do it. Give that person/place/thing another chance. Just this once. And I hope that it works out for you. For me, this is a reminder that maybe I need to return to the gym. I felt physically, mentally, and spiritually better about myself, when I kept my Date With Gym.

Or maybe, it was a reminder to ‘Not give up–get that picture.” All I know is, that someone, quite possibly me, needed to see that today.

Let’s be encouraged today. I say to you: You Are Enough. You Can Do It. You Are Worthy. And: I Love You.

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