A Gas Station Mother’s Day


Courtesy Pixabay

This is a look into the Near Future…as soon as this Sunday.

Ah, Sunday. It’s a beautiful day to load up the boat and go fishing. You stop by the corner gas station, for gas, ice, coffee, and snacks. Waiting your turn in line, you hear the guy in front of you say to the checker, “Well, now. Happy Mother’s Day to you, ma’am!”

Then that feeling of dread sinks into the depths of your gut, because…you forgot your mama.

What to do?  Here are a few ideas, from the gas station, and us.

First, look around for some sunglasses. What mama can’t use some new sunglasses? There are several choices here.

You might decide to pack up Mom and take her fishing with you. She will need a hat, for shade.

If your mother doesn’t fish, keep her busy with some scratch-off tickets, or some Lotto tickets. You never know–she might win!

And then, we ran across this, on the end of an aisle. Snickers and Razorbacks. The gas station must have seen me coming.

At least we’ve given you fair warning: Mother’s Day is this Sunday, May 10th. If you don’t stop by the gas station to shop, please DO give her a phone call, a card, a text, and e-mail, and say “I Love You”.

That will be better than candy and a butane lighter, I guarantee you.

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