The Apples of Fabe’s Eye


Courtesy Pixabay

For many years of my adult life, I was the daughter and granddaughter. We celebrated Mother’s Day with flowers, gifts, and special lunches together. Then, the tables turned.

On December 19th, almost thirty years ago, this beautiful soul entered our lives. Life has never been the same since. Here’s our daughter Gracie.

And, ten years later or so, on March 19th, we were blessed with a little boy. Here’s our Ben.

Both of these children (one of each flavor, as I say) are God’s Miracles. You see, I had been told early on that I had some problems, and might not be able to carry a baby full-term. As you can see, God has a sense of humor…He favored me, not once, but twice.

I love you, Gracie and Ben. Thank you for making me a mother. You have made my life whole.

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